Kitchen Pimped!
We only got these two 'Dome warmer' (below) very recently. We never favour having this in our disposal. Reluctantly we bought 2 in the end. It's heavy and no doubt it does look stunning with its chrome, shinning cover.
How can you be a self taught chef when you dine out, refering to cook books, going to catering college, learning from other chefs and watching cooking programmes? - Marco Pierre White (May, 2007)
We only got these two 'Dome warmer' (below) very recently. We never favour having this in our disposal. Reluctantly we bought 2 in the end. It's heavy and no doubt it does look stunning with its chrome, shinning cover.
cooked by Chef Pol at 3:06 PM 0 thought
Labels: dome warmer
cooked by Chef Pol at 7:04 AM 2 thought
Labels: salmon filleting
cooked by Chef Pol at 4:18 PM 0 thought
Labels: Micheal Pope
We made this during Lufbru games meeting with team captain.
Vol-u-Vent of Eel with miso Dressing.
Yasmin made this a while ago. She's an expert when making Fish pie. We had it Watercress. So filling and do you wonder how many calories are there?
Yassmm's Fish Pie. No Price :P
Fresh Watercress from Indonesia.
Chef Pol'
cooked by Chef Pol at 12:29 PM 2 thought
Labels: Fish pie, Vol-u-vent
Salmon, courgette and tomato Tart
cooked by Chef Pol at 3:59 AM 3 thought
Labels: Borough Market