Hi Eleanor :)
After good 2 and half hours, I did a nice braised short ribs with Sultanas using basic ingredients. I simply sealed it off (browning) before adding them to the pan. The idea of experimenting using aged beef was to find the difference using home aged beef and normal non aged.


Cook everything in a deep sauce pan.

a good 2 hours and half in the oven

The end product. Now, how tender is the beef after it had been left to dehydrate for another 5 days? It's time comsuming for sure. Does it really give extra flavour? yes or no? Celebrity chefs can talk on and on. Cooking is no rocket science.

What can i say about this dish. My verdict is that I don't see any difference with aging beef. Maybe this is a one-sided cooking method (Braising). I will try again with steaks, sirloin or strips and try it out on the grill. It's time consuming and perhaps i can overcharged my customer and labelling them "22 days AGED Beef " Ha~~. Ask any idiots or a blonde they will tell you it taste just like a beef. :) so, is hung beef really economical? With the need of large storage spaces, controlled fridge and trimmings?

I believe good proper cooking method, proper basic ingredients and of course proper tools, the result can be achieved. So long you don't try to be poncey especially when you are a chef. Aged or non aged beef? It doesn't really matter. So Mdm Eleanor, that is my verdict. However, short ribs are delicious. Cook it right, it can't go wrong. :)
Have a good Evening you Beefeater!
Chef Pol
Bro ChefPol, finally I get to read your latest post... ;) actually I never thought of aging beef, as a simple braising method could tenderize tough beef part like ribs, as I always practice or probably boiling method. But 5 days, I want to know how tender is it? n what is the range of temperature u put on it?. Btw... I think, its a good things to learn n thanks for the lesson... Cikgu Pol... hehe, jan marah bro.. ;)
Hi Chef Pol - what an informative post/article! Thank you so much for sharing. E.
Hi guys
thank you, I just tried my best writing straight from my head. haha I ask Nikki if I can hire me to be an editor, photographer and publisher too haha. Chef nash, no specific temperature,
it needs humidity, so if im not wrong around 30 - 33 degrees or less. cool air.
Aku malas lah sebenar nya, chef nash mau tuliskan and edit blog? keke
Hi guys
thank you, I just tried my best writing straight from my head. haha I ask Nikki if I can hire me to be an editor, photographer and publisher too haha. Chef nash, no specific temperature,
it needs humidity, so if im not wrong around 30 - 33 degrees or less. cool air.
Aku malas lah sebenar nya, chef nash mau tuliskan and edit blog? keke
Nice one, but I m still curious bro... 30 - 33'C, its about room temperature jua tu... where did u put it? in chiller ka?
Anyway, I m also lazy kan posting wah... haha but will try to update my blog frequent2...
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