Thursday, May 14, 2009

Aged Beef?

Hi Eleanor :)
After good 2 and half hours, I did a nice braised short ribs with Sultanas using basic ingredients. I simply sealed it off (browning) before adding them to the pan. The idea of experimenting using aged beef was to find the difference using home aged beef and normal non aged.


Cook everything in a deep sauce pan.

a good 2 hours and half in the oven

The end product. Now, how tender is the beef after it had been left to dehydrate for another 5 days? It's time comsuming for sure. Does it really give extra flavour? yes or no? Celebrity chefs can talk on and on. Cooking is no rocket science.

What can i say about this dish. My verdict is that I don't see any difference with aging beef. Maybe this is a one-sided cooking method (Braising). I will try again with steaks, sirloin or strips and try it out on the grill. It's time consuming and perhaps i can overcharged my customer and labelling them "22 days AGED Beef " Ha~~. Ask any idiots or a blonde they will tell you it taste just like a beef. :) so, is hung beef really economical? With the need of large storage spaces, controlled fridge and trimmings?
I believe good proper cooking method, proper basic ingredients and of course proper tools, the result can be achieved. So long you don't try to be poncey especially when you are a chef. Aged or non aged beef? It doesn't really matter. So Mdm Eleanor, that is my verdict. However, short ribs are delicious. Cook it right, it can't go wrong. :)


Have a good Evening you Beefeater!


Chef Pol

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Home dry aging Beef

The purpose for aging beef in a cool room temperature is a way to tenderise the meat. In Brunei, this is not our tradition. We normally like to buy meat where it is freshly slaugthered on the day then kept in the freezer. We tend to buy bright red colour texture because we like to think its fresh and clean. I also like to say Buffalo (KERBAU)and Cattle/Cow (SAPI) are not the same.
Buffalo is very lean, quite dark in colour, good flavour, light and a little sweet. As Cattle has more fat content, rich meaty flavour which takes longer to cook and not as healthy as Buffalo. :) I tend to use Buffalo meat when it comes to cooking Malay or Indian cuisine like Rendang. For Western menus like stew and also chinese braising method, I find cattle is the better option.
When beef is dry aged, the beef's natural enzyme (bacteria) breaks down the protein and the connective tissue. Well, thats the theory. On a real process, beef is hung at a specific temperature in order to get the right humidity. This method is expensive as after 22 days there will alot of trimming (mould) and when the meat dehydrates, this will cause in weight lost. Having said that, i think that justify my conclusion why our local butcher can't be bothered selling dry aged beef. I think so.
Anyway, Im experimenting using a fridge in the office. I will give this beautiful short ribs another 4 to 5 days. I will judge by looking at dryness on the meat.

Dry Aged short ribs

Lets make this sexy babes fantastic. I can't wait.

Chef Pol

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Foodie Bloggers Recipe book.

Get your copy now at $10 each., available at Shop@Sarah Qlap Mall. 200 copies left (I think). All proceeds goes to charity fund.

Chef Pol